These are works from "Throughways", my solo show in 2023 at Central Machine works.

In Throughways, Thomas explores landscapes both real and imagined where humans have drawn a line through nature. The term “right-of-way” describes a path that is claimed for use by humans. A line for roads or utilities. The word “Right” in this term hints at a correctness in this. Drawing this line is the appropriate and necessary thing to do. “Right” also hints at ownership, that humans have the right to this land that the line is drawn through. This body of work explores these lines.

Contrails 1Contrails 4Contrails 2Contrails 3Flyover 1Flyover 2Future Highways and Weather BalloonRoadcutFlying over BluebonnetsFlying over AgaveFuture Highways Under StreetlightsRight-Of-Way between Nocturnal LightsRight-Of-Way With Distant ConstructionRight-Of-Way With Distant RoadRight-Of-Way Through the Trees